30 Day Photo Challenge: Day #11 “Something Blue”


Today’s challenge was “Something Blue”. I thought all of the lakes on my globe would qualify:)

For those of you who care about details, this shot was taken at 35mm, ISO 1600, f2.8, 1/30. Contrast, clarity, adjustment brush, and white balance fixed in Lightroom 4.

I have five blogger friends who have joined me so far in this challenge! To see their challenge posts, please visit their blogs at:






If you would like to join in, please leave me a comment to let me know. I will put a link to any other participants at the bottom of each of my challenge posts. Reminder: It can take you MORE than 30 days to complete this challenge. I know it will definitely take me longer than that:)

My challenge posts will be filled under the “30 Day Photo Challenge” tab on the main page of my blog. Enjoy:)